Submitted by honna on

Some welcome news from, Vince Mack Mahon has an album coming out on June 1st. That's Jimmy The Hideous Penguin, Mikey Fingers, Tweek & Deviant. This is now available for pre order from the Nozl Shop. If your not familiar, check the Albums sector on, Jimmy has several free ones, also check the Community Scratch BBQ video. See the info from the press release and links below. NOZ004/ NAUSE003 VINCE MACK MAHON – “VINCE MACK MAHON” 8 TRACK VINYL ALBUM 4 Twisted individuals from Galway contort their unique and unparalleled scratch sounds onto vinyl. Founders of The Community Skratch Games, their live shows are the stuff of legend (in particular last year's 24-Hour Skratch). Check Out The Tracks "The Amazing World Of Tweek, Ted & Keith" and "Why Is It So Damn Relevant?" on our myspace page..
Vince Mack Mahon by Vince Mack Mahon